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The Importance of Ergonomics and How Adjustable Desks Benefit Your Workforce

Height Adjustable Desks


The Importance of Ergonomics and How Adjustable Desks Benefit Your Workforce

If you work an office job, you’ve probably heard something along the lines of “sitting is the new smoking”. However, it wasn’t until the past few years that people really started paying attention to how they spend their office hours and realized that sitting on an ordinary chair is slowly, but surely starting to become a problem. We spend so much of our time these days seated – our morning commute, our office desks, in meetings, while having lunch, on our way back home, at the dinner table, on our couch, and so on. This has got to stop.

But Where Do We Start?

We start at the office desk. Why? Because we spend 8 hours, 5-6 days a week at it. But how do you pick an ergonomic desk? And more importantly, what are ergonomics? Simply put, ergonomics is the process of arranging and designing workplaces, systems and products so that they fit the people who use them in order to relieve stress, pressure and ultimately pain.

The key aspect of ergonomics is adjustability, and it’s said that there should be at least two points of adjustment in any workspace. A height adjustable desk is one, and the monitor or keyboard can be the other. That being said, since the keyboard and monitor are placed onto the height adjustable desk, you kill two birds with one stone.

How Do Ergonomics Benefit Me?

Well, as briefly aforementioned, an ergonomic workstation has a ton of health benefits – from reducing joint, back, neck, wrist and shoulder pain to increasing blood circulation and improving your posture. But that’s not all there is to it – studies confirm that people who have ergonomic workstations perform better and are less tired at the end of the day.

If you’re an employer, you should know that safety is a big aspect of ergonomics as well. Ensuring your employees feel and actually are safe will not only increase their productivity, but it will also lower costs related to workplace injuries, absentee levels and liability to workplace related claims.


To sum it up, ergonomic adjustable desks and chairs are ideal for office workers who want to improve their quality of life. Plus, you can switch between working in a seated and standing position. Just make sure the desk is easy to adjust and doesn’t require too much manual effort to do so.

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