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The Benefits of Having an Ergonomic Chair

saddle chair


The Benefits of Having an Ergonomic Chair

A lot of people suffer from back pain, neck pain and develop serious posture problems over time. There are many risk factors that contribute to the development of these problems and the furniture one uses on a daily basis plays a big role as well. For that reason, you should always choose ergonomic furniture. It helps a lot in preventing and correcting bad posture and consequentially alleviates pain.

Types of Ergonomic Chairs

saddle chair

The most important thing you need to do is make a final decision to change your existing chair with an ergonomic one. The rest is easy since the choice of ergonomic chairs is endless. You can find sit-stand chairs, active sitting chairs, ergonomic mesh offices chairs, balance ball chairs, saddle chairs and so on. The list is quite long and even though each and every type of chair has its own characteristics, they all help you keep a neutral and natural position while sitting for a long time thus minimizing the possibility of pain and discomforts appearing.

The latest trend when it comes to ergonomic sitting options is the ergo saddle chair designed for comfort. Plenty of studies have shown that out of all the diverse types of ergonomic chairs, ergo saddle chairs help the most in preventing pain, back strain and poor posture. The seat of the saddle chair is ergonomically designed and its angle can be adjusted according to needs. You can adjust the height too and you have four wheels at the bottom that allow you full freedom of movement while sitting. You shouldn’t be a prisoner to your chair, on the contrary, it should be the tool that helps you work better and perform well.  

The basic saddle chairs don’t have back support, but you can find an upgraded version that does have back support and promotes optimal seating posture for the spine. Even doctors and physiotherapists recommend this chair to people that have serious back problems because it really helps a lot. The chair saddle with back support distresses your back muscles, removes the pressure from your disks and spine and makes sure you maintain a proper position no matter how long you end up sitting in the chair.  

Saddle chairs with back support are completely adjustable from the base angle to the height and the angle of the back support. You can even choose different seat sizes (standard, executive, narrow and small) and enjoy sitting on the saddle chair fully.

Why Are Ergonomic Chairs Better?

saddle chair

Basic chairs are not flexible at all. They can’t be adjusted and usually, their shape is not one made to offer comfort to the person sitting. In fact, the human body is the one that needs to adjust to the chair and that leads to pain and strain because it’s a very uncomfortable adjustment to make.  This only proves how important an ergonomic chair is and shows that the flexible the sitting option the better for your overall health and wellbeing. Opposite of the regular chairs, ergonomic chairs can be adjusted to the smallest detail thus offering you pure comfort.

Being in an uncomfortable sitting position for a long period of time can lead to a lot of health issues and not only back pain and bad posture. Prolonged sitting affects the circulation and the cardiovascular health of a person. But many of the negative side effects can be avoided simply by replacing the regular uncomfortable chair with an ergonomic one.

What makes the ergonomic chairs better than all the other chairs is precisely the fact that they can be adjusted and customized fully according to someone’s needs. Every single body is different and logically you can’t offer the same chair to every person and expect it to be nice-fitting and cozy.   

Aside from having a proper shape and being fully adjustable, the ergonomic chair is made from breathable and supportive materials and includes multiple layers that further contribute to the comfort one feels. This, again, is not the case with regular chairs that are mainly made from basic materials that don’t have any special comforting features.

Another important detail that might seem small and irrelevant is the armrests. Basic chairs don’t come with armrests which are very important for reducing muscles strain, relieving pressure from your upper back and keeping you relaxed. And ergonomic chairs do have that, naturally.

Health Benefits of Using an Ergonomic Chair

saddle chair

First, and most importantly, the ergonomic chair provides you with comfort. Regardless of how long your work hours last, you won’t feel the time spent sitting directly onto your back and muscles. Ergonomic chairs allow you to feel full of energy at the end of the day instead of feeling drained and weak. And with time you’ll notice how your back problems disappear and how your circulation improves. That’s because your hips, back and neck are positioned at the right angle.  

Thanks to the ergonomic chair you can have everything at the reach of your hand so once again, you avoid the pain and strain that comes from reaching out for documents far away from your desk. And you can adjust the chair perfectly to your desk and keep a natural position the whole time. A person can’t work properly and pain-free if the desk is too low or too high compared to the chair.

Thanks to the ergonomic chair you can get rid of fatigue, swelling, headaches and the feeling of discomfort. And with that, you’ll notice an instant increase in productivity. People that use ergonomic chairs and ergonomic furniture in general, perform better and are far more productive than those that use regular chairs and suffer from all the negative side-effects the chairs cause. The ergonomic chair makes working easy, a pleasant experience, instead of an experience that brings pain at the end of the day.

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