Food & Drink

Tips for Drinking More Water

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Drinking more water can help you maintain a healthy weight, have healthier skin, have better performance during regular trips to the gym and even stay sharper during the workday. It’s common for people who don’t drink a lot of water to find that in the afternoon, they get a sort of brain. You’ll feel this a lot less when you start drinking more water. You’ll have more energy and will feel an overall level of freshness. 
Considering that we constantly lose water throughout the day through evaporation through our skin and as we digest our food,  we need to find ways to replace it. With the hot season approaching, here are some tips to help you stay hydrated. 


Make It Easy

The simplest thing you can do to drink more water is to keep water nearby. I suggest you having a water bottle within an arm’s reach whenever possible so you can take small sips throughout the day. It’s probably the easiest way to hydrate because it becomes a sort of mindless habit.  
Buying loads of plastic bottles of water each day is expensive and very unfriendly to our planet. Many think that reusing the bottles a bunch of times is a way to save both the earth and their wallet, but this could lead to more harm than good. You may have head people asking if do plastic water bottles cause cancer? When a plastic water bottle is reused, it starts to break down, leaching harmful chemicals, such as PBA into the water. Research has shown that exposure to PBA, may cause cancer in people. To prevent exposure to these chemicals, invest in a reusable, BPA-free water bottle. 


Before you get the first reusable bottle you see, it’s important to keep some important factors in mind, which will influence your decision as you buy water bottle online. 
If you are prone to breaking things, keep yourself away from fragile glass bottles or single-walled plastic and metal bottles. Do you like to replace things often or do you want a long-lasting one-size-fits-all bottle? This goes back to the old classic versus trendy style debate. If your aim is sustainability, go for a classic reusable water bottle that you can reuse again and again. 

And if you are planning to take your bottle with you to the gym, to the work, to travel or to go hiking outdoor, then you’ll need a high quality insulated water bottle that suits different water drinking needs. And if you want a water bottle to serve a specific purpose, even more factors come into play. For example, if you like to go backpacking in the remote wilderness, you may require an ultralight water bottle that won’t weigh you down. 

With these things in mind, you should be able to buy water bottle online easily, as you know what can fit your needs and whatnot. 

Find What Works


Even though there are numerous reasons to drink water, it’s not hard to find excuses not to do it. So, to stay hydrated, it’s important to simply find what works best for you. For example, if plain water isn’t appetizing, try flavouring it by adding sliced fruit such as lemons or oranges, or add flavoured stevia drops. 
While drinking beverages with carbonation or caffeine is better than drinking nothing, you should be careful about drinking things with too much sugar because such drinks contain calories but add nothing nutritionally. So, if you’re trying to wean yourself off of sugary drinks in order to cut calories and sugar, using no-calorie flavoured stevia drops to sweeten your water can work like a charm. These drops come in an array of super-sweet varieties (depending on the brand you chose, you can try cola sweet drops, cinnamon sweet drops, peppermint sweet drops, etc,) and are tasty enough to make kicking your full-call soda habit way less painful. 
In addition to allowing you to get some flavouring without extra additives, flavouring drops are easy to use. All you have to do is add a couple of drops of the flavouring into your water, and you can enjoy a refreshing drink. The droppers come in small bottles that fit pockets, purses, glove compartments and drawers. They’re just so convenient to carry around use as and when you need them. For example, when you order a bottle of water at a restaurant, you can quickly add a couple of drops to enjoy a little extra taste. 
It’s important, however, to take a look at the claims of them being healthy options. Although flavoured drops may be healthier than the carbonated drinks and energy/sports drinks you can buy in stores, nothing is really better than plain old water. 

Listen to Your Body


Your body will let you know that you’re not drinking enough water. Warning signs of dehydration include dry mouth, headaches, dark urine, dry skin or feeling dizzy, sluggish or nauseous. Also keep in mind that when you’re dehydrated, your body is often tricked into feeling hungry. So, those late afternoon urges to snack may simply be a response to dehydration. 
Once you start giving your body the water it needs, it’ll be easier to know when you don’t.

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