
Stress-Free Bath Time: Tips for Buying an Infant Bathtub

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Pregnancy is an exciting yet stressful period for mums-to-be. There are many things that should be considered but before starting to think about your baby’s first steps, try to focus on the smaller things. Choose a cot, practical baby clothing that’s easy to change, bottles, and baby tubs.

One thing that new parents fear is the idea to bathe their baby, and many babies are not fans of this either. You need to do everything to make this time more enjoyable for the both of you. There are several things that you can do, and one of them is choosing the right bathtub.

What Are the Different Types of Baby Baths?

source: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Bath time doesn’t have to be messy, tiring, and tearful. Many bathroom accessories can make it fun and safe, you just need the right ones. Bathtubs can be found in a wide variety of choices and it can be overwhelming when it’s time to choose one. Consider the different models before buying and weigh the pros and cons. What works for someone else doesn’t have to work for you and your baby, so make sure that you choose according to your specific needs. You should find a comfortable infant bath that’s practical and made of quality materials so you can make good use of it.

Foldable Baby Bathtubs

Besides the standard baths, these are a common choice because they fold and often can be used for several years. It’s a portable tub that you can take on travels as well. Since most parents don’t have extra space for keeping bulky items, this foldable design allows you to easily store the bath in any available space you have.

Adjustable Baby Baths

These can be adjusted and used for a long period. They come with a sling for infants to keep the baby safe; when the baby learns how to sit, the sling is transformed into a seat; and when the baby can sit comfortably, the seat is removed and you’re left with a spacious baby bath. They feature soft materials and a non-slip interior.

Standing Baby Baths

These baths come with a stand that’ll make bathing more comfortable for the parents. The stand can be removed when you want to use the bath as a standard one. These standing baths will make you enjoy bath time more because you can choose to stand or sit on a chair while bathing your baby. There are also just bath stands that you can purchase but they might not fit the tub that you have. Make sure that the stand and bath are from the same manufacturer because they design them to fit.

Upright Baby Bathtubs

These are deeper tubs that keep your bub in an upright position, submerged in water up to their chest. In this way, the water keeps the baby warmer for a longer time. They come in various sizes and have backrest support for comfort and preventing sliding, which makes them suitable even for the smallest babies.

Sink Baby Baths

These are made to fit any sink in your home. They can be found in various designs but you can opt for a foldable basin that doesn’t take up much space when not in use. This infant bath has a convenient height and flexible arms that adjust to the sink. It can also have a perforated basin. This means that you put the tub in the sink, fill it with water, and in the end, lift the tub and the water will drain. You won’t have to lift a tub full of water and there’ll be no mess around the tub to clean because it’s in the sink.

Bath Seats

If you don’t like the idea of an entire baby tub, you can get a bath seat. They can be used in sinks, tubs, and showers, and they are found in various shapes to fit the space that you have.

What to Look for in a Baby Tub?

source: Keren Fedida on Unsplash

Additional Features

You can opt for additional features that can make bath time a delight for your newborn. They aren’t necessary but some can be helpful for babies that really don’t like bathing.

  • Drain Plug – Make sure that the baby bathtub has a drain so you won’t have to lift the tub to drain it;
  • Heat-Sensitive Drain Plug – It turns a different colour when the water is getting warm, letting the parents know that they should check the temperature;
  • Built-in Thermometer – Monitors the temperature and allows you to make necessary adjustments so the baby is comfortable;
  • Ergonomic Cushioning – Supports the baby in the best way possible;
  • Calming Vibrations –Built-in mechanism to help soothe the baby.

The Right Size

The bath shouldn’t be too big so the baby slides and shouldn’t be too small either. Small tubs are restraining for babies because they don’t have space to move around and you won’t be able to bathe them properly. If you want a larger tub that can be used for years, opt for a removable sling that will support the baby while it’s too small. Manufacturers usually provide size guidelines so check them before purchasing.

Easy Cleaning

Oftentimes, baby baths come with too many features or designs that are harder to clean because you can’t access all the spots. This is why you need a simple tub, with enough features that are easy to clean. It should be regularly sterilised and completely dried before storing because, otherwise, it can grow mildew or mould.

Other Things You Can Do for a Pleasurable Bath Time

  • Get the right room and water temperature. Babies don’t like cold so prepare the bathroom first. Turn on the heater or steam up the room before bathing the baby. The water should be warm and not hot, and always test it before you put the baby in.
  • Choose the right baby bath products because they can be of great help during bath time. This means that you should get distractions and toys that will keep your little one entertained. Floating rubber toys are preferred by most babies but don’t go overboard because the tub can get cluttered and you won’t be able to do your job properly. Also, make sure that you clean the toys after every bath because they can collect mould.
  • Make sure that the products you use won’t irritate your bub’s skin. Babies are very sensitive so always choose ingredients that are gentle and as natural as possible.

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