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How Wedge Pillows Can Help Fight Acid Reflux

Reflux Wedge Pillow 2


How Wedge Pillows Can Help Fight Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is that unpleasant burning sensation caused by stomach acid creeping up into your throat and mouth. At some point in our lives we’ve all experienced it, especially after eating a heavy and spicy meal. However, if you start feeling this way more often than 2 times a week, you might have a problem to consider taking care of – possibly gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD for short. People with this condition have weak lower oesophageal sphincter which allows for stomach contents to go back up. If left untreated, GERD can result in narrowing of the oesophagus, inflammation, ulcers and other serious problems .

Reflux Wedge Pillow

Some treatments for this condition involve taking antacids, prescription medications and surgery. They all involve some potential risks. However, there are a a few important changes in your lifestyle which are safe and can help relieve the symptoms. If you experience acid reflux mostly at night while lying in bed, a reflux wedge pillow might be just the solution for you.

For some time now doctors have been claiming that sleeping with your upper body in an elevated position prevents acid reflux at night. However, elevating your head on two or more pillows can actually worsen this problem. In this position your body bends in the middle which allows the acid go halfway up the oesophagus and get trapped, causing a powerful heartburn. Moreover, sleeping like this is extremely uncomfortable and can cause serious back pain.

Wedge pillows are ergonomically designed to adjust to the body’s curvature while elevating it just enough to prevent acid reflux. They are simply a type of a foam pillow which is cut at an angle making it higher at the top and elevating the head, shoulders and torso. In this position gravity keeps the stomach acid down. You can use a reflux wedge pillow while sleeping on your back or on the side, without experiencing any discomfort and tension in the head or neck.

You can further help yourself by avoiding spicy foods and eating at least three hours before going to bed. Maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol consumption is also known to help reduce acid reflux. Sleeping on a wedge pillow can be a drug-free, effective and inexpensive solution to GERD, which is highly recommended by doctors.

Moreover, this type of pillow can help you in the fight against other problems that deprive you from having a good night’s sleep. Sleeping upright clears up the airways which alleviates nasal congestion and drains sinuses. Generally, a wedge is good for people suffering from any kind of nightly breathing problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. Made from pressure relieving materials, the wedge pillow relaxes the muscles and joints which also helps people who need to spend most of their day in bed due to an injury. It’s also great for pregnant women who have a problem finding a comfortable and safe sleeping position.

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