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Cyclist Must-Haves for Beginners


Cyclist Must-Haves for Beginners

If you’re thinking about buying a new bicycle and getting into this exciting sport, keep the following tips in consideration while you browse your favorite online bicycle store.

Bikes are great not only because they keep you moving and engage your body in physical activity, but also because they are an eco-friendly way of transport. The freedom you have when you cycle can’t be compared to anything. You don’t have to wait in lines during rush hour, and if you get tired of cycling you can always get into public transport. If you plan to get yourself a new bike and get into this wonderful activity, here are some things to have in mind while browsing your prefered bicycle shop online.

Picking the Right Bike

Choosing the right bike is the first step towards becoming a cyclist. First of all, where will you be riding this bike? Are you getting one for helping you move around town, or are you in need of something more thrilling such as mount biking or perhaps BMX bikes? The right bike will ease things up for you. 

If you’re a beginner and need eco-friendly transport from home to work or school, then a lightweight urban bike is a good idea. Keep in mind that you will have to lift this bike if you have to use public transport, or carry it with you if there are stairs and no bike ramp. A bike that’s too heavy will be a burden not only for cycling but for moving as well. 

The bike should also be the right size. If you’re an adult of course a bike suitable for teens won’t work for you. Also, if you’re on the slimmer and shorter side, a too large and heavy bike will only make things more challenging for you. You should be able to touch the ground with your feet when you sit on the seat and feel comfortable moving the pedals. 

That’s why it’s best to try the bike on before buying. But if you prefer to visit a bicycle shop online, make sure that there are exact measurements listed on the product’s description so that you can compare them with your height. 

Also, think of your budget; you surely won’t need a too expensive bike if you’re going to use it a few times a month. On the other hand, if you are going to cycle for recreation, or want to challenge yourself and hit a hill or a mountain, then a cheap bike may be a poor choice.

Don’t Forget a Proper Helmet

The helmet is a mandatory accessory if you want to stay safe. It doesn’t matter if you are only going to cycle a short route, a sturdy helmet can be a literal lifesaver. Cyclists aren’t protected anyhow, so even a small impact from a motor vehicle can cause severe injuries. The head is the first to hit the ground which can lead to injuries like traumatic brain injuries, internal bleeding or fractures. Your head must be protected at all costs. Even if you never get into an accident, you could easily fall off the bike (you can be the best cyclist and still come along a road bump, or be distracted and end up injured).

Make Sure You Have a Comfortable Seat

comfortable bicycle seat

Nothing worse than an uncomfortable bike seat. Not only you won’t be able to continue cycling to your destination, but the pain you will feel between your legs afterwards can be quite unpleasant. Also, the seat you get when you purchase the bike might not be suitable for your age, weight and body construction. Too narrow seats might be great for professional cyclists who cycle on Tour de France, but for your needs, a wide, softer and comfortable seat is a great option.


The bike bottle isn’t just an accessory you see on bikes. Water, coffee or juice can be great companions on your way to school, work or when you go cycling for recreation. This is why the bottle is essential. 

If your bike didn’t come with one you can always get an insulated water bottle where you can keep your drinks cold or hot for a long time. Make sure to avoid plastic, since it won’t work well (even though it’s durable) when it comes to keeping your drinks fresh and tasty. 

Any bicycle shop online will offer you extra accessories for your bike and bike bottles are not an exception. Made of various materials these bottles are far more durable than those rugged bottles that come with regular bikes. These bottles can be used even when you don’t cycle (you can get them to work, school, when hiking, going shopping or any other activity). The more quality ones may be pricier, but keep in mind that they will last for a long time.

bicycle bottle

Bike Lights

Just like cars, bikes need lights. Not only the lights are practical and will keep your road enlightened, but they are also a good thing to make you visible to drivers, other cyclists and pedestrians. Any bike shop offers these lights for quite reasonable prices so investing in them is not going to affect your budget. Get white lights for the front wheel that have a powerful beam to make sure that your road will be well lit even when the road lights aren’t so good. 

When purchasing new lights choose sturdy, no-slip attachments that can be easily removed (so thieves won’t steal them). Recharging lights are an excellent option, so you can always be sure that your lights will serve you.


And of course, no bike is complete without the lock. You will come with various options – locks that are locked with a key, with a code, poles, chains, U-locks, you name it. The lock must be sturdy and durable enough so no strong tools or elements can damage it. The U-locks are heavier and much pricier than let’s say a chain lock. So depending on your budget, the value of your bike and the safety of the town/city you live in, you should make the final decision. If you’re getting a chain lock that locks with a padlock, always be sure to make a copy of the keys just in case.

bicycle lock

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