Educational Toys

When to Introduce and How to Choose Baby Bath Toys

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For new parents, the baby’s first bath is a nerve-wracking experience. Placing a tiny newborn into a slippery tub seems to be a bit tricky for many of them. But as time goes by, bath time becomes a joyful experience for most parents and many babies can’t seem to get enough of it.

As you and your little one start to enjoy bathtime, you’ll begin to wonder when do babies use bath toys? They aren’t really necessary for infants, but for toddlers, toys can help keep them engaged and happy during tub time. Before you notice, your munchkin will be splish-splashing around and ready to play with all sorts of toddler bath toys.

Bath Toys for New Babies

In the first few months, a simple set of cups that can be used to pour water over your baby can result in the most heart-warming giggles and smiles. A natural rubber teether can also double as a great bath toy. If you want to get rubber toys, make sure they are without holes. This will make it easier to keep them clean and will avoid mould growing inside them.

Bath Toys for 6-Month-Old Babies

Around 6 months, babies have good head control, are generally able to sit up by themselves and also show more interest in toys. This can be a great time to introduce bath toys. At this stage, babies love bright colours, things that float, filling and emptying containers and playing with bubbles. Aside from making bathtime fun, bath time toys can also be a great opportunity for exploring and learning.

Bath Toys for Toddlers and Older Children

Once your baby gets a bit older, pretty much anything can be a great bath toy, except battery toys. Think of plastic animals or figures, ball pit balls, digger and dump truck, or a toy tea set. Boats are also a winner but cars are also very fun for playing in the bath.

Nowadays, you’ll find a wide range of toys designed to be used in the bath. Here are some simple things to keep in mind when shopping for toddler bath toys.

Easy to Dry Toys

You want to buy toys that dry quickly and completely to avoid mould and mildew from setting in. Avoid toys that have lots of nooks and crannies that might stay damp. Consider washing your baby’s bath toys every now and then with soap and water to keep them clean.

Educational Elements

Just like traditional educational toys, there are also bath toys with educational values. Since bathtime plays an important role in your child’s nightly routine, you may want to consider toys that offer some sort of educational benefit. This can mean interesting textures, funny sounds or toys that teach baby new vocabulary.

BPA and Phthalates Free

You should avoid both of these chemicals when purchasing bath toys. Phthalates are used to soften the plastic and make it squishy. The problem is phthalates are not chemically bound to the plastic and can easily escape from the product and into your baby’s body. Phthalates have been linked to early puberty in girls, impaired sperm quality and genital defects and reduced testosterone production in boys. BPA are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been linked to hormone disruption, developmental problems in children and obesity. Plastics containing BPA are often hard and clear.

How to Clean Bath Toys

It’s very important that you keep your baby’s bath toys clean, otherwise, they can be potentially harmful. Due to the nature of use, just about any toy can become a breeding ground for mildew and mould. While most children’s immune should be able to fight off the pathogens found in bath toys, infants and children with compromised immune systems, or those with allergies to mould could suffer from serious respiratory illnesses like asthma and lung infections.

When it comes to keeping bath toys clean, many people wonder can you put bath toys in the dishwasher? The answer is, yes, you can. Washing your bath toys in the dishwasher is a quick, easy solution to get them clean. Simply drop the toys in the top rack of the dishwasher and run it on a hot cycle. Just make sure you check the manufacturer’s recommendations before using this method as some toys aren’t compatible with dishwashers.

Another method for cleaning bath toys of mould is simply boiling them in a pan. This works well for hard plastic toys and foam letters and numbers. Simply bring water to boil and then add toys using a pair of kitchen tongs. Let the toys soak for a few minutes, remove and place them on a towel. Allow them to dry completely. This is a great method to clean bath toys inside.

You can also use disinfectant wipes to prevent mould growth and keep your bath toys sparkling clean. As long as there aren’t places where water can get inside, wiping toys down after bath and allowing them to fully dry between baths should be good enough.

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