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Tree and Stump Removal: When and How to Do It

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Surprisingly enough, removing trees and stumps is not that easy. It requires a lot of preparation and having good skills to handle the removal properly. Many people don’t have the knowledge or the skills to do it themselves, and this is the moment when hiring a professional is the best thing you can do.

But it’s not just about the removal process. You should know in what circumstances removing a tree is considered to be a smart and essential move. Whether you go the DIY road or enlist professionals for tree and stump removal, you need to be well informed about the process and all the nuances that come with it.

How Do You Tell If a Tree Needs to Be Cut Down?

Source: forbes.com

Yes, trees are an essential part of our life here on the planet. They purify the air, help preserve soil and conserve water, support wildlife and keep the overall balance in the entire ecosystem. It’s clear, that without trees, nothing would be the same.

However, there are some instances when cutting trees is necessary, especially if the tree poses a threat to everyone’s safety. It’s important to take precautions and remove a dangerous tree before it’s too late. But that’s not the only time when cutting a tree sounds like a reasonable thing to do. There are several other important factors to determine if it’s time for the tree to go.

Dead or decaying trees can be dangerous to have around as they can fall without any warning, hurt anyone near them and cause a lot of damage. Plus, dead trees lose the aesthetic appeal and can ruin the vibe of your garden.

Another reasons to remove a tree is if it shows any signs of disease. If you notice a fungus growth, rotten trunk or sprouts near the base of the tree, it’s time to go. The tree needs to be cut to prevent plant diseases from spreading across, before ruining the rest of the plants and trees.

If the tree has been damaged in a storm or an accident it’s a looming danger and it’s just a matter of time for the tree to fall. Another dangerous scenario when a tree needs to be removed ASAP is if it is extremely close to power lines. On some other occasions, a tree might be blocking the way where a new road or building needs to be built or is simply blocking the sun needed for your groceries.

Whatever the reason is, it’s important to react on time, and cut only if it’s really necessary. But before taking the matter into your own hands, check if developmental approval is required by the Tree Protection Unit and Municipal Services in Australia.

Can I Remove a Tree Myself or Should I Hire a Tree Service?

Source: bobvila.com

Tree and stump removal is best done by professionals. They have the knowledge and skills to do it the proper way. A tree removal service knows how to assist in any given situation, approach different terrains and take all the necessary safety measures to protect themselves and the environment around them.

Of course, you can also cut a tree by yourself. If you have all the necessary tools and safety equipment, as well as the skills and knowledge, go for it. However, you should always be very cautious when you do it yourself because cutting a tree is not as easy as it might seem.

What Are the Risks of Cutting Down a Tree by Yourself?

Cutting trees requires preparation and skills with manoeuvring cutting tools. If you have never touched an axe or a chainsaw in your life, then you might want to avoid doing it yourself. Not knowing how to properly handle cutting tools may cause severe damage to your limbs and body. The chances of hurting yourself and the person assisting you are very high. Furthermore, removing a large or dead tree, if handled wrongly, can cause severe damage to the objects near the tree area or it can kill you and anyone around you when it falls.

If you’re dealing with a tree that has started touching the power lines, don’t attempt to cut it yourself. It’s a highly dangerous scenario where even the slightest move if done wrongly can kill you. This is something you don’t want to be risking of happening and therefore, calling a professional service tree sounds like a reasonable thing to do.

How Much Does It Cost for Tree Removal?

Source: fujairahtradecentre.com

The cost of tree removal can range anywhere between $200 and $10,000, with the average being $1000. But of course, several factors can influence the cost such as the terrain access and the complexity of it, are there are any neighbours or other trees near, the condition that the tree is in, should you want a stump removal as well etc. Determining these factors will set the final price and discuss with the service company what exactly they offer.

Why Is it Important to Remove a Tree Stump?

Tree stumps start decaying right after the tree has been cut and it’s the perfect place for infestations which can spread across other trees and plants or even to your home.

Another reason why you should remove stumps is because they can make the mobility around the yard much harder. They can get in your way while walking or working in the yard, plus, they pose a danger of stomping over and hurting yourself. Additionally, tree stumps can make it harder for new plants and trees to grow and develop properly.

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