
Timeless Shoes Every Man Should Own: Loafers, Chelsea Boots, and Oxfords

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“Never be cheap on things that separate you from the ground.” Although no one knows who said it, it still holds a great deal of truth. Out of all the things that accomplish just that, the most important are the shoes. They’re your first contact with the ground, and they take you everywhere. They’re a defining piece of clothing that can make all the difference to you and others. For this reason, you must dress in shoes that make you feel comfortable and confident.

With that in mind, if you want to have the perfect shoes for the occasion, you must understand the different styles of shoes. Furthermore, you need to know where you’re going and the dress code. Moreover, the shoes you wear should be comfortable and orthopedically-designed, as quality shoes prevent back problems and alleviate pain. If you have a condition and need specialised shoes, you should consult your doctor. In this article, we will focus on three timeless shoes for men. They are mens leather loafers, Chelsea boots, and Oxfords.


Loafers are a timeless, yet elegant and comfortable shoe that’s perfect for any occasion. Since their introduction in the early 20th century, it’s become a staple in men’s footwear. You can wear them for both informal and formal occasions. With their low-profile heels, low shoe ankle exposure, and no laces – they’re very flexible and attractive. But how do you decide which mens loafers are the ones for you?



When choosing the ideal mens leather loafers for you, you need to think about the material first. If you want to be comfortable in your shoe, make sure it looks good and lasts, you need to pick the right material. If you don’t want to go wrong, the best material you can choose is obviously leather. Luckily, leather is an industry-standard and is used for most loafers. You must be especially careful of the upper-sole material, as it’s what’s seen by the rest of the world. Plus, it’s the part that goes through the most abuse. Keep in mind that not all leather is equal, so make sure that the leather is full-grain or top-grain. Genuine leather is the lowest quality leather, don’t let the name fool you.


Mens loafers can be made using different processes, like vulcanisation, blake and rapid processing, or sacchetto processing. If you want a shoe that guarantees quality, you should make sure that the loafers are stitched, not glued. Glued shoes get damaged over time and wear out easily. Additionally, stitched shoes can be repaired, while glued shoes cannot. Something else you can consider is getting hand-made loafers, as that guarantees that the artisan put in great attention to detail and quality.



Of course, price does play a part when choosing loafers for men. Never go for a cheap pair of loafers. This doesn’t mean that expensive automatically equals quality, though. Generally, cheaper loafers mean worse materials and bad artisanship. In the end, you’ve spent money on a pair that you’ve only worn for a brief amount of time. That being said it’s best if you find that perfect balance between budget and quality.


Finally, we’ve come to the most personal side of choosing mens loafers – style. No matter how well-made the loafers are, if they don’t match your style, what good are they? Focus on the colours and shapes that work for you. If you’re aiming for a more casual look, combine your loafers with jeans and a t-shirt. If the weather is warm, and you want the classic cool dude look, you can go sockless with khakis and denim. For a smart-casual look, a blazer is your best weapon. And if you’re going for an all-out formal look, a suit and loafers are an undefeated look.

Chelsea Boots

If you want to go for a more rugged and stylish pair of shoes that are ankle-high, then you should consider Chelsea boots. They’re perfect for both formal and casual wear, but they especially shine when it comes to smart-casual. There are several reasons why.


Shape and Colour

The two main reasons why Chelsea boots leave such a strong impression are their shape and colour. First, the shaft falls at ankle height, making it noticeable by taking up a considerable portion of the leg. Furthermore, it’s rounded at the toes and has low heels. These two details allow the stitching to come to more prominence. All of this in combination with the attractive leather Chelsea boots are made of make for a powerful and elegant look. They’re available in various colours, so no matter the colour of your Chelsea boots, whether burgundy, black, red or green, you will have an elegant and stunning look.


Chelsea boots really shine the most when paired up with a winter coat or a blazer, as they add to the sophisticated, smart-casual look. But, if you want to go for a more rugged and everyday vibe, you can always pick up a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. Just make sure you avoid skinny jeans or a baggy shirt.


The last timeless shoe for men is the Oxford shoe. Unlike the previous two, Oxfords do come with a lacing system, and it’s one of its defining characteristics. But what else defines it and how to wear it?

Shape and Stitching


As aforementioned, Oxfords do have lacing, and their lacing is stitched closed to the bottom, near the toes. Furthermore, they do have a low-heel and an open ankle. However, due to the lacing, they are snugger on foot, and they give off a more formal appearance. To add to this, they have many additional details like dots, stitching, or some parts that protrude more. All of this makes them formal footwear. Additionally, there are many types of Oxfords, like plain-toe, cap-toe, whole-cut, and many more. They all come with their specific details, so you have plenty of choice.


Unlike the previous two, stylists consider the Oxford shoe a proper and smart shoe. By this, they mean that you should exclusively use it in a formal setting with formal wear. If you’re thinking about combining Oxfords with trousers and a shirt, it’s not going to cut it. On the other hand, if you’re planning on wearing a suit or a shirt and tie, then the Oxfords are the right fit.

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