Health & Beauty

The Common Causes for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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History teaches us that our human ancestors needed their wisdom teeth to grind their food properly. At that time, much stronger teeth were required than we need now as their diets usually consisted of raw meat and foliage. Today, however, wisdom teeth are pretty much unnecessary as our diets typically consist of softer foods and we have cutlery to cut our food to manageable-to-eat sizes.

In addition to being unfunctional, wisdom teeth also tend to crowd the mouth and cause problems for the rest of the teeth in many people. That is why more and more dentists are recommending wisdom tooth extraction to their patients to prevent future problems such as impacted wisdom teeth, crowding or displacement of permanent teeth and cists, among others. If you think that you may be having a problem with your wisdom teeth, contact your dentist as soon as possible to make sure everything is okay. Now let’s take a look at the most common causes for wisdom tooth extraction.

Pain and Irritation

Sometimes wisdom teeth can cause terrible aches. If that’s your case, contact your dentist to help you find the right solution. Make an appointment and he should be able to tell you if it is the wisdom teeth or something else that is causing the discomfort and the pain and will decide whether or not extraction is the best solution. Sometimes, pain can go away with the help of medication and extraction may be unnecessary.

Incorrect Growth

When wisdom teeth grow, sometimes they take up too much space in the mouth and cannot be aligned with braces. In other words, when the mouth is overcrowded, there is nothing that can be done to make all teeth perfectly fit together and the only thing that can be done is to have the wisdom teeth removed. Extraction will ensure that your mouth has enough room for the rest of your teeth that you actually need.

A Cyst Forms Around the Tooth

A cyst is a sac next to the tooth that becomes filled with fluid. If it is overlooked, it can cause damage to the bones, roots and surrounding structures. If it becomes too severe, it may turn into a tumor and require additional surgery.

Sinus Issues

People sometimes don’t believe wisdom teeth can cause sinus problems, but it is possible. These problems occur when teeth grow on the upper jaw and the root of the tooth starts to push and rub against the sinuses, putting pressure on them. Although this problem is not common, it does exist and can sometimes lead to pressure, headaches, sinus pain, and congestion.

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