
Survival Guide: How To Adjust To A New Job

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Okay, so you have moved to a new city or maybe a new country and you have found a job. That is awesome, you have made the first and most important step of your new life and you should be proud of it! But, as the first work day at your new job is approaching, you start feeling anxious, stressed and panicky. Well, no need to worry. We have got you covered.

Let’s imagine the day to head to your new job has come. You are dressed to the nines, have everything you need in your bag and you are walking towards the building that is actually your new job, trying to be 100% positive and confident that the first day at work will turn out well. But, the balloon of stress and excitement in your chest deflates immediately when you step into your new workplace and realize that you are nothing but a fish out of water. Everything and everyone around you looks so unfamiliar and every single moving and non-moving thing in the building seems unwelcoming to you. You are trying to keep the friendly smile on your face to make the first impression, but inside yourself, you feel lonely and miserable as hell. In order to avoid the aforementioned scenario, try to follow our survival guide on how to adjust to a new job and start enjoying it.

Acquire the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of your new job

If you want to transform from a newbie who knows nothing into an employee/colleague who can handle anything at work, this is what you should do – acquire the ropes of your job. Accomplishing unfamiliar tasks, thus learning about your job should be your top priority. This way, you will leave a good impression on your superiors who will be vigilantly keeping an eye on you during your very first days, even weeks of work. However, this does not mean that you have to stay in your small cube and not socialize with your new colleagues. Try to find the perfect balance between work and hanging out with colleagues at your workplace.

Illustration for Network World magazine. © Copyright 2010 by Sam Bosma

Accommodate yourself to the office culture

Keep in mind that the first weeks at your new job are of the utmost importance and they usually determine what your future in the company will be like. Be observant and listen carefully to your superiors and colleagues. This is how you will be able to get a good grasp of the office culture and conform to it. Do not refuse lunch invitations and other forms of group gatherings between colleagues, dress well (appropriately) and come to work timely. Act both friendly and professional.

Give Yourself Time

Adjusting to a new job takes time and you should give it to yourself. Fully becoming a part of the ‘office family’ does not happen overnight, so do not feel down if you make mistakes in the initial phase of your career in that company. Make sure to not act like a know-it-all. That would be a huge turn off in the eyes of your superiors and rest of colleagues. Instead, do not feel ashamed nor uncomfortable to admit lack of knowledge/expertise and ask for assistance.

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