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Spiral Mixer: The Commercial Kitchen Essential

Food & Drink

Spiral Mixer: The Commercial Kitchen Essential

When opening up a bakery, pizzeria, or a pastry shop, one has to adopt the proper strategy to be able to succeed in the business realm. In addition to acquiring the right recipes, as well as the fresh and tasty ingredients to produce the outstanding products that bring all the customers in, making the right investments is also part of the deal.

Besides finding the most suitable location, purchasing the ideal furnishings, and splurging on the décor, you’re probably aware the key to fail-proofing your business (well, along with getting the coverage from the right insurance policy) lies in having the ideal equipment for your baked goods. Among all the essentials, we have professional spiral mixers at the very base.

Considering it can be a hefty investment, and one that’s supposed to serve you time and time again with producing the goods of the highest quality possible, you need to take all the consideration you can with the choices you make with this kind of equipment. The following aspects could give you an idea of what you ought to pay attention to.

professional spiral mixer

Consider Your Kitchen Necessities

There’s no doubt the market is abundant in designs of spiral mixer varying in size, shape, material as well as the features added for your disposal. This being said, not every design is exactly suitable for your production needs which is why it’s crucial to give a thought to your production volume, the type of goods you intend to produce with it, as well as the weight of the ingredients.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to also have the kitchen storage and countertop space in mind. This would give you a hint on the exact size you’d require, plus the dough capacity a mixer is designed for. Now, again, in terms of the ingredients, if in the long run you figure out you’d like to mix more than merely different types of dough, encompassing sauces as well as spreads, then you might be better off with a planetary mixer altogether.

As the alternative commercial mixer to the spiral, its usefulness stems from the variety of attachments meant for use with various ingredients. Then again, if depending on your volume, and customer demands, you figure out you’d benefit the most from variety, then you might be better off getting one of each.

Lastly, other equally crucial considerations, which aren’t to do with the kitchen, but more with the design and brand, include costs of repairs, maintenance, and warranty. Don’t leave any feature or property to chance!

dough mixer

Consider the Benefits of Spiral Mixers

Okay, the extended capabilities of the planetary mixers aside, the spiral alternative is just as beneficial if we look into all its pros which the counterpart lacks.

The Low Noise

Starting from the performance, ingenious spiral mixers are incredibly quieter due to the fact they operate based on a pulley system. This is so because there are two motors, one of which is in charge of rotating the bowl, while the other is rotating the arm.

The Ease of Cleanliness

Moreover, for a really busy commercial kitchen, where the batches just keep on coming, cleanliness is key – though, the less time spent in washing up the dough from the hooks, the better. This is exactly where the spiral design shines given that such dual rotation makes it a piece of cake to clean up the dough mess from the mixer.

cleaning mixer

The Consistency and Efficiency

Since consistency in the quality is guaranteed continuously, the amazing spiral mixers are most highly praised and needed in the world of artisan bakeries and pizzerias. This wouldn’t be possible without the dual rotation (yet again!) which ensures the ingredients end up blended well – gently and quickly, mind you!

This speed, which may sometimes result in about 40% faster dough product, indicates just how efficient these mixers are. Efficiency is all you need to know about them if you’ve got a production in high demand.

The Low Operating Temperatures

Another reason why they turn out to be particularly handy with artisan products is their maintenance of lower temperatures while rotating and mixing the doughs. Overheating, the same as fermenting quickly doesn’t do homebrewing well, this goes for your breadmaking too since both scenarios end up altering the ways in which the yeast is activated. In other words, there’s minimal dough punishment, which is exactly what you want for outstanding baked goods that beat those of competition.

dough spiral mixer

The Low Costs and Carbon Footprint

Taking into account there’s lower friction due to the lower temperature, there are two secondary benefits you’d be able to reap: lower electrical costs, and fewer repairs. Paying close attention to the latter in specific, investing in a spiral dough mixer is also a choice you can make if you care about reducing your carbon footprint and giving back to the environment. Much like when opting for eco-friendly takeaway food packaging.

And, speaking of investments, you’d love to know such mixers won’t considerably break your bank since they cost much less than the planetary mixers initially. Being in the know of all this would simplify your purchasing decision, and most importantly, help you out with your business by paving the path to success!

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