
Scandinavian Style: Your Furniture Says a Lot About You … Learn the Language

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In terms of interior design, the Scandinavian style and furniture is known for being minimal but modern and highlighting a strong feeling of elegant sophistication. It has been around for more than half a century now and has been evolving and improving all the while. Recently, it has become more popular than ever, and here are the reasons why it stands out among the other styles.

One of the key characteristics of Scandinavian furniture and one of the main reasons it is so beautiful and adds so much to any room are the clean cut, straight forward lines. These are always extremely defined and lend an authentic integrity to the overall space and design. Another great quality of Scandinavian furniture is that you can see the older crafting techniques seamlessly integrated with the more recent new-aged tendencies towards smooth rounded edges and natural hues. All of these traits come together to create a piece of furniture that both catches the eye and loses nothing in terms of practicality and functionality.

The aspect of Scandinavian design that separates it the most from any other style is probably the importance it places on having plenty of open space in the room and distance between each piece of furniture. This not only goes a long way in preventing visual clutter (which is so overwhelmingly prevalent in other styles), but also creates an incredibly well planned out and organized symmetry in the placement of each item that emphasises function as much as it does aesthetic appeal.

Colour is also used in ways that aren’t very common or widely applied, as they are more of a compliment to the shapes already present in the room rather than a sight in and of themselves. Whereas in other stiles the bright colours are used to attract more attention and give the room a brighter feeling, the paler, more neutral palate of colours is used here to great effect to emphasise the beauty that comes from simplicity. But, if you do want a bit more of a lively feel, all you need to do is contrast the simpler colour scheme with brighter, more playful patterns and you will discover how shockingly well the combination works. For the complete effect, make sure that you get plenty of natural light into the room.

All of the above mentioned points, along with the undeniable quality that is a regular trait in Scandinavian furniture and which comes from the first grade materials used in making it, serves to show why it is such a popular style of interior design.

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