
Reasons to Add Kettlebells to Your Training Routine

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A small but very powerful training piece of equipment that can help you boost your strength is the kettlebell. The kettlebell swing is a beneficial ballistic movement that provides the trainee with elite level tactics which make for a tremendous progress in the training routine. Its unique shape makes it a powerful tool which can help you transform your health and performance. Here are some more details on how you can achieve that and some additional benefits.

Strong and Powerful
The kettlebell swing and the kettlebell snatch are perfect exercises for increasing strength because they generate huge amounts of acceleration with modest weights. By training with this piece of equipment, you’ll be able to feel stronger overall especially if since the main exercises target the arms, legs and back.

Fat Loss
If you want to lose fat, including a kettlebell in your daily training routine is a must. There’s no doubt that your metabolism will improve as you will be able to burn up to 20 calories a minute while exercising. If we compare it to running, that is the equivalent of running at a 6min/km pace. Therefore, you can seriously ramp up your calorie burning with the help of the systematic stress put on your body during exercising. A great tip is to use the kettlebell for a complex exercising performance which means incorporating bodyweight exercises in between sets.

Optimal Cardio
Another great reason to use a kettlebell is to achieve a tremendous cardiovascular workout which can help your heart work properly. By attempting a 100 crisp powerful swings, for example, you can feel how the lack of oxygen will put your whole body to work thus making the cardiovascular workout an intense one.

Joint Preservation
Standard squats or deadlifts put a whole lot of a stress on the back, knees and hips. This is not the case with kettlebells because the weight is lighter and the physical load is more manageable and doesn’t put such pressure on the joints. Once you learn how to handle the techniques well, you can perform numerous swings without joint pain.

Injury Prevention
Together with joint preservation, the kettlebell swing provides a potential of eliminating future injuries. This is so because when you train with one kettlebell you train one side at a time and with every different exercise you help develop both sides evenly thus eliminating any deficiencies between the left and the right side of the body. This leads to eliminating strength imbalances and improving the way your body functions under load.

Last but not least, kettlebells are very cost-efficient. You can use them every day and since they are durable and longlasting, you can buy one and it will probably last you a lifetime.

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