LED Camp Lighting: Ideal Outdoor Illumination
If you love hiking and camping, then you probably already know that a successful trip of this nature requires a bit of preparation, both in terms of physical readiness and when gear is in question. Walking long distances to reach that perfect camping spot is hard on the body, so being fit for the job as well as having the right clothing and shoes is of utmost importance, but what about once you get to that magnificent piece of land?
More often than not, hikers and campers carry everything they need in their backpacks. This allows them to have their hands free and transport gear and goods much easier. However, it also means that they need to pack light, so anything that’s essential has to be either travel-sized or small and light enough to not take too much space in a regular hiking backpack.
When talking about camping essentials, there are a few things you’ll really need. For starters, you’ll need proper food and water to keep you sustained, a good, sturdy tent for shelter, a quality light source to help you navigate in the dark and illuminate your camping site at night, and so on. The food, tents, and clothing aren’t usually an issue, packing the right way can take care of that, but once a proper camp light comes into play, things may get a bit tricky.
LED Camping Lights: The Best Option Out There
LED or light-emitting diode lights are part of the relatively new lighting solutions generation that offer a high amount of light for long hours without being wasteful or harmful to the environment. LED lights have found their use virtually everywhere, from at-home light fixtures to car lights and more. Well-dispersed all over the world, you can shop LED lights for camping or other uses both online and in physical stores across Australia.
The reason why I love recommending LED lights for camping instead of any other type is exactly because of how effective and long-lasting they are while at the same time offering a sturdy and compact build that won’t take up too much space at all and won’t weigh you down. There are many LED camp light options out there, so you’ll need to take a few things into account before deciding on the perfect model for you.
Here’s what you’ll need to pay attention to.
The Design of Your Light
By paying attention to the design of your light you’re actually putting thought into saving space and managing weight, which, as we already established, are some much-needed things when out and about in the wilderness. LED camp lighting designs can vary, from thin and concise to bulky and able to reach a big area, so what you’ll need to do is assess your situation and figure out which type suits you best.
If you’re going hiking and camping with your family or a bigger group of friends carrying a bulkier, a lantern-type LED light can help you illuminate your whole spot without much fuss. What’s more, only one of you will need to carry the light in your pack, so everyone else can store whichever other essentials you decide to take with you. Many of these lights also have an option to be hung on the surface of a backpack, which will definitely save space.
The other option is more suitable for pairs or people who like to hike and camp alone as the light will be much smaller and more precise, illuminating just the area you want it to. These lights are usually pretty thin and small, so there is basically no worry of them taking any space away from other essentials. Another use for them is as an LED tent light which will allow you to subtly light up the inside of your tent before going to bed or while looking for something.
The Type of Your Light
When type is in question you’ll need to decide whether you’d like to go with a rechargeable LED light or are more prone to a single-use-battery powered LED camping lighting solution. Both of these options have their ups and their downs, so let’s explore.
While rechargeable lights are less wasteful than their single-use battery counterparts, they might not last as long as they do. Once the light is out of battery you’ll need to plug it in and recharge it, which can be a significant issue when out in the middle of nature. Some might bring a portable battery with them in order to charge their LEDs, but this can only provide so many charges.
The truth of the matter is that if your camping trip is short then a rechargeable option is definitely for you. Anything longer will most probably require the other type of LED light and some batteries. Luckily, both the light and the batteries don’t take up much space, so you’ll be good to go. There are solar LED options as well for those who really want to rely on nature, but I’d recommend thoroughly checking their working time before buying and taking a regular backup light along with you.
The Type of Illumination
This is more about the colour of the light your bulb actually emits. If you’re a fan of a softer, more natural glow then yellow or a very warm white is definitely for you. If you like crisp and absolute lighting then a white LED bulb will do the trick. There are also differently coloured options with purposes like repelling mosquitoes, so look into them if you’re headed for a place known for its mosquito infestation. For more atmospheric solutions look into bulbs with bright colours on ones that change their colour via remote control.