Home and Garden

Indoor Plant Trends: Why Choose Succulents?

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Houseplants are a great way to bring a small piece of nature into your home. Out of all types of indoor plants, succulents have long been one of the most popular choices for many. One of the main reasons for this is that these beauties store water in their leaves and while they do need water for proper growth and flowering, they can endure extended periods of drought – which means that they require very little care when it comes to watering and pruning. Here are some benefits of growing mini succulent plants in your home.

First, succulents are hardy plants and have the ability to grow in a variety of climates. These plants can add a shade of green to your living space during any time of the year, even more so when in blooming season. Second, they can help purify the air. Succulent plants can remove many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. They emit vapour, and that in turn generates a pumping action that pulls contaminated air down to the roots of the plant. After that, the plant converts these contaminants into plant food.

Next, these plants improve the humidity of your home because they release water. Increased moisture, in turn, can improve common health problems, like a sore throat, common colds, dry cough and even dry, itchy skin irritations. Unlike most of the other plants, mini succulent plants don’t release carbon dioxide at night. Instead, they keep on producing oxygen. All this freshens the air in your home and improves your breathing. The only thing you need to be careful about is to check if you or any other family member is, by any chance, allergic to the plant.

As strange as it may sound, succulents can increase your productivity. The colour and texture of the plant has a calming effect which can in turn improve your mood and concentration. Besides purifying the air, these plants can even help you heal from colds, flues and other ailments. A study has shown that hospital patients with plants in their room recovered faster than those whose rooms didn’t have any plants.

Besides all the health benefits that come from owning succulent plants, you should also be aware that they come in various beautiful unique shapes, sizes, textures and colours. Each plant has its unique qualities, and once you get to know them you will notice how versatile they can be. You can find succulents in just about any colour, from white to dark purple or black. Their shapes are various too. There are succulents shaped like rocks, while others trail and grow longer.

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