Medical Equipment

Feathered Pets: A Little Bit of Keeping Chickens

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While the thought of pets usually refers to either dogs or cats, there are those people who prefer their pets to come with feathers.
Yes, keeping chickens has grown into a hobby for many, and it can be an enriching experience, along with inspiring you to choose a sustainable lifestyle by providing you with fresh eggs, and composting, yet it does take some TLC as well as having the right equipment to make the most of it.
After looking into the regulations of your area about the allowed coop and flock by checking the local council’s website rules (e.g. no roosters if you live in an urban area), and complying to them, it’s time to think of the well-being of your feather friends.

Sure, this means giving them the proper food and water amounts, daily, but it also means treating them to specialised vitamin supplements for chickens. Same as all pets, chickens have to be checked regularly, so when you get to know them well, you will know when you see some warning health signs like changes in colouring or even behaviour.
They could always do with a bit of immunity boost with the help of natural based supplements full of vitamins spicing up their diet, such as A, B1, B2, folic acid, K, and E, among others, plus minerals, without added hormones or antibiotics.
Speaking of antibiotics, they sure help curb a bacterial problem, but at the same time, they also decrease the beneficial gut bacteria, which is where probiotics and vitamin supplements for chickens come in handy.
Moreover, some supplements, like a mineral block, encourage pecking and forage too, and needless to say, increase in laying eggs. Cleanliness is another must that you would have to take care of on a daily basis, apart from checking their water and food, and when they need refill (who likes dirty water, right?!), as well as collecting the eggs.

Cleaning the water bowl should be your daily chore, while monthly you would have to take care of the coop, changing the bedding. This is especially mandatory if you live in urban areas, so as to avoid odours.
To be able to prevent an issue with mites, it’s advisable to sanitise the coop by removing everything, washing with a mixture of water and bleach, and getting a specialised feeder and waterer because they can get in there too. While you may expect to bathe your chickens, protecting them from pests, they can do so on their own also, by having a place to dust bathe.
The curious creatures, they need their time of roaming free in the sun and exploring the area where they live, however they equally need to be protected from predators so keep them locked up overnight.  Solid ground, warm, cosy, and dry surroundings is what chickens require to thrive.

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