How to Choose a Good Tactical Bag
For all your outdoor missions and adventures, a reliable and functional tactical bag is a must-have. Just try transporting your gear over a long distance on foot without one and you’ll see what I mean. Tactical bags aren’t your average bags. They are specifically designed to withstand harsh conditions and allow you to safely carry heavy gear on your back. So, if you have already found that a regular backpack doesn’t work and plan to finally get a good tactical bag, here are some consideration to help you make the right choice.
Before investing in a tactical bag, it’s important to consider its size. Is it able to fit all your essential gear and is it easy to carry? While a large backpack can fit items, if it’s too big to carry and weighs you down on your trip, it’s practically useless. With that being said, you need to make a compromise and choose the largest backpack which you can comfortably carry and which can hold everything you need to survive in a tricky situation. Tactical bags usually range from 20 litres to 70 litres in capacity, meaning that there’s a bag for everyone.
Since it’s going to hold very important gear, the tactical bag you choose should be exceptionally sturdy and protective. Quality tactical backpacks are usually made of 1000D nylon that can withstand heavy wear and tear and is waterproof to prevent the inside from getting damaged during rain. In general, the higher the deniers of the fabric, the more robust the backpack. What’s more, make sure to pick a bag that has a camo design which will allow you to blend in with the environment. When choosing the design, consider the look of the environment you’ll be moving in and select similar patterns.
Remember that a tactical backpack can be a costly investment, so, you don’t want to end up with something that causes frustration. A good bag should have a great number of pockets and compartments to efficiently store and organize your gear. Additionally, it should come with a large enough hydration pocket where you can house a water reservoir.
And last but not least, a good tactical backpack should be as comfortable as possible. So, look for paddings in the back, neck and hip areas and padded straps that won’t dig into your shoulders. And when it comes to travelling in hot weather, a bag with a back that features air channels can make a great difference.