9 Ways to Ease Your Sore Throat and Prevent Coughing
You’ve probably had a sore throat at some point in your life. Itching, dry, tender, and burning feeling are unpleasant sensations, especially when they are accompanied by other symptoms of a cold or a more serious medical problem. Sore throats can be excruciatingly painful. However, in most circumstances, you can find comfort without having to rush to the doctor. Here are some strategies to feel better when you have a sore throat:
Gargle with Saltwater
A scratchy throat might be relieved by gargling with warm saltwater. The salt draws mucus out of your swollen, irritated tissue, which relieves pain. In a standard glass of warm water, dissolve a small scoop of salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Then gargle with it for a few seconds before spitting it out. Every day while the soreness is lasting, gargle with salt several times.
Suck on Sore Throat Lozenge

Menthol can be synthesized or extracted from mint oils. It is assumed to be the component of peppermint oil that is responsible for the majority of its therapeutic benefits. Because of its propensity to chemically activate cold-sensitive receptors in the skin, it provides a cooling and relaxing sensation when inhaled or eaten.
Most over-the-counter sore throat lozenge containing menthol can gently numb the tissue in your throat and therefore soothe the uncomfortable feeling. This can temporarily relieve burning and discomfort symptoms. Candy, cough drops, and throat lozenge stimulate saliva production and help in keeping your throat moist.
Try Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers
Viruses, according to medical professionals, are the most common cause of sore throats. Antibiotics, which only kill bacteria, cannot be used to treat viruses. Instead, the infection must be allowed to take its course in your body. OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or naproxen (Aleve) can help reduce throat pain and swelling. Combined with your choice of sore throat lozenge, they can also soothe achy or scratchy skin.
Enjoy Some Honey

Warm honey-sweetened tea might help ease an upset throat. Tea also keeps you hydrated, which is a vital step in the treatment of a sore throat. When a sore throat starts to tickle, make a cup of tea. Try mixing it with green tea, which is antimicrobial, a pain reliever, and high in antioxidants, as well as reducing inflammation. Honey has another benefit when you’re sick. Research shows that it’s an effective cough suppressant and works as well as OTC cough medication.
Sometimes All You Need is Rest
Close your eyes and place your head on your pillow at a reasonable hour. Repeat as needed. When your body is fighting the flu, virus, or other illness, don’t overlook the importance of physically resting your body and voice. However, lying flat can occasionally induce edema due to an increase in pressure at the back of your throat. To ease pain and discomfort, consider elevating the bed using a reflux wedge pillow or sitting propped up or in a chair.
Treat Yourself to a Hot Toddy

A hot toddy is a hot drink (only for people with the legal age of drinking!) mixed with water, whiskey, honey, and lemon juice. Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger are sometimes added. Much like the peppermint sore throat lozenges honey coats and soothes your throat by minimizing inflammation. Honey also has antimicrobial effects, and its sweetness can soothe nerve endings in your throat and lessen coughing.
Whiskey (in moderation; too much will dehydrate you) thins and breaks up mucus. Whiskey dilates blood vessels on the surface of your throat, allowing immune cells in your blood to multiply and fight the infection. Spices increase saliva production, which improves hydration and mucus flow in the throat.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is critical in the treatment of a sore throat. When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t create enough saliva and mucus to keep your throat lubricated properly. This will aggravate the swelling and irritation. Warm teas or soups, as well as water, are excellent choices.
Hot tea or soup, on the other hand, may burn your already sensitive throat and aggravate the problem. Caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you, even more, should be avoided.
Use a Humidifier

Swollen tissue in your nose and throat might be relieved by breathing in wet air. To boost the quantity of moisture in your room, turn on a cool-mist humidifier. Humidifiers are available at most tech stores or your local pharmacy.
Take a Hot Shower
Even if you don’t have a humidifier, moist air can provide relief. Inhale the steam from a hot shower to help relieve swelling and pain from a sore throat. The hot shower will also help you relax the tension and get temporary relief and boost your chances for better sleep. Additionally, if you don’t have a humidifier at hand, to boost the humidity in your home, you may also boil some water in a kettle on the stove for 30 minutes. And last but not least, avoid things that can irritate your throat, including:
- Talking over loud music.
- Overworking your body.
- Dry air.
- Smoking or staying in rooms where smoking is allowed.
- Acidic foods or spicy foods.
- Lying down immediately after you eat, especially if you have acid reflux.
And remember to take it easy on yourself and take the time you need to rest and recover!