Ways to Improve Ventilation and Air Quality in Your Home
Whether there is a serious pandemic like one of the last two years or there is nothing at all, the most important thing you must do daily is to improve ventilation and air quality in your home. This is essential not only for improving the air quality but also for preventing any virus particles to accumulate in the air in your home. Proper and regular ventilation, along with undertaking some other precautions can help prevent you from catching any kind of viruses, as well as viruses from the coronavirus family.
Install an Electric Ceiling Fan
Ceiling fans are among the most commonly used type of ventilation devices. They were mainly popular in the ‘80s and ‘90s but it seems that they are gaining back their popularity these days. Nowadays, an electric fan is considered a standard installation in most modern homes for numerous reasons. Unlike air conditioning that needs to be cleaned on regular basis, so it won’t spread an unpleasant smell, electric ceiling fans have no problem of that kind. All it takes is wiping off the dust from time to time and that’s it. Besides providing you with a constant breeze which is essential in summer, an electric fan can also improve the look of your home thanks to the large selection of types, designs and colours. Being able to distribute both warm and cold air makes it the ideal product that can distribute air evenly and help it circulate all the time. This is essential for improving the air quality while reducing the possibility for viruses to accumulate in the air.

Besides helping you cool down in summer, today’s fans for sale can also work in reverse to help you warm a room, just like air conditioners. Said in simple words, in summer, ceiling fans are designed to force the room air down to create a wind chill cooling effect, while in winter when working in reverse mode, the blades of the fan will draw the air up and force the warm air down to warm the room. As you can see, by investing in a fan you’ll get the best of both worlds – a safe to use heating/cooling system that can also improve ventilation in your home. Speaking from another point of view, these fans can also have a beneficial impact on your electricity costs because it’s more affordable to invest in a fan than in an air conditioner.
Filter the Air in Your Home
If using an air conditioner (whether for cooling, warming or both), specialists recommend setting the fan to the ‘on’ function instead of ‘auto’. This is essential, especially if having guests and even if you’re not using the heating or cooling mode. That way, the air will circulate and won’t allow viruses to accumulate. Another important thing you should do is to use pleated filters because they’re more effective than regular filters. They should be installed initially, but if not, you can replace them on your own by simply following the manufacturer’s instructions.

In case you use the air conditioner frequently, it’s recommended to change the filters every three months or so. In case you’re not sure that you can do it on your own, then you should have it inspected and replaced by a professional. Speaking of inspection, it’s recommended to check and inspect the overall air conditioner every year in order to be sure that it runs smoothly.
Use Indoor Plants to Improve Air Quality
An easy and affordable way to improve the quality of the air in your home is with the use of plants. Whether using a hanging indoor planter or a free-standing one, the truth is that all types of indoor plants can clean the air from toxins which is great for improving your health. They do it by a process called photosynthesis where they absorb light, the carbon dioxide that we humans breathe out, and water to manufacture sugar. As a result, this process creates oxygen that we need to breathe in.
While all of the above-mentioned filtration and ventilation systems might partially improve the air quality, none of them can create clean oxygen. And since oxygen is a paramount element of healthy and clean air, investing in indoor plants is the wisest and most cost-effective solution so far. Luckily, the choice of indoor plants that can purify the air is huge and so are your chances to find the plant that can improve both the air and the look of the specific room.

Besides the traditional free-standing planter, adding a hanging indoor planter can add a fresh and creative touch to the space without compromising the overall style and décor. You can choose from a large selection of plants ranging in type, appearance and colour, and find the one/s that will best meet your taste and available space. Make sure not to forget the space since this is a crucial factor that can help you choose the right plant and planter size. Speaking of planters, you can choose from the extensive range of modern, contemporary, traditional and industrial looking planters. Besides in size and appearance, they can also differ in material and colour which you should also take into consideration in order to make the right decision.
Let Fresh Air Come In
The last and easiest thing you can do in order to improve both air quality and ventilation is to open the doors and windows. This is the easiest and fastest way to improve both of these things. On the other hand, opening doors and windows will also help you get rid of in no time by any unpleasant smell. If possible, open multiple doors and windows on opposite sides in order to allow more fresh air to come in.