Make Bible Reading Part of Your Everyday Life
In a world that’s largely led forward by greed, it’s undeniable we need more of the wisdom of God in our day to day lives, to remind us of what it really means to be human. Rarely do people resort to spending time in the company of the Bible or church (with few exceptions of course), and this results in making one drift away from the true values which can be seen in the amount of hatred being spread around us, and the many wars being fought for the single benefit of certain individuals and states. It’s high time we turned back to our roots and made the reading of the Bible a daily thing. The fascinating thing about this book is that it carries so much wisdom about it, containing God’s guidance, showing us the right path with His love for us, His sacrifice through His son, Christ, and His forgiveness.
We often get so caught up in our own little worlds and problems that we end up alienating ourselves from others and forget God is always there to help us whenever we need Him. All it takes is finding the version that most speaks to you, for instance the easy-to-read English Standard Version, New Living Translation or the New World Translation, and taking up a life-changing challenge of reading the Bible day after day. Best thing about this experience is you can be in the company of God’s words wherever you go, and such a sacred book requires protection like the New World Translation Bible covers and handy accessories as the tabs for indexing.
Every time you read through the verses, you’re going to come across something new, a new point of view on certain things, events, people and places. You’d get to learn something more about humanity and why the belief in God is a universal need, connecting us all. This need has been constant since the very beginning which is why reading the Bible helps one take a plunge in history. Going through the Bible’s pages is like going through the lives of our ancestors. As a prized possession, the book of God’s wise words can be passed down from generation to generation and as such deserves New World Translation Bible covers and cases to help preserve it and prolong its longevity.
The Bible makes for an interesting study, and many versions nowadays offer the reader the chance to highlight lines and take notes. Certain ones are even made in the form of stories with drawings aside making it easier for children to understand the scripture and memorise it, so it’s the perfect read for both grown-ups and children alike. Enrich your life with this precious book and help make the world a better place.