Gear up with the Right Accessories Before Getting on Your Longboard
So you have your longboard set up and you are ready to hit the pavement… Well, just before you go, there are a few other things you need to consider getting before you can truly enjoy the freedom and feel the wind in your hair. So, let’s dive right in and see what accessories can help you make your time spent riding more fun and safe.
It doesn’t take much to get a concussion, so there is no reason to play tough. Hitting your head very hard can be life threatening. You need to protect your most valuable asset and strap on a helmet. Helmets may not be very popular on the skateboard scene, but there are very common among the longboarding community. Don’t expect to show up at a downhill or free ride event without one and be allowed to ride. Professional longboard skateboarders even wear full face helmets to make sure their chin is protected as well as possible, plus gain more speed by improving aerodynamics.
Slide Gloves
Right after the helmet, the next safety accessories on your list should be the slide gloves. They are a very important piece of gear as they allow you to ride aggressively and slide when riding downhill. These protective gloves have plastic pucks attached to the palm and sometimes on the fingertips. These plastic pucks enable you to put your hands on the ground when going downhill, so you can slide and maintain your balance at the same time. These longboard skateboard accessories are used by almost all professional longboarders as they are a key element for reaching high speeds on your board.
Bushing are often overlooked longboard skateboard accessories and aren’t understood in general, but knowing how to properly operate your bushing set-up can make or break your ride. If you chose to go for the stock option, you should know that with one size fits all you are not going to get the most out of your ride. Everyone has a different riding style and it’s better to play around with several types of bushings until you find the ones that suit you best.
Elbow and Knee Pads
If you haven’t gotten the idea already, longboarding can be dangerous andthat is why elbow and knee pads should be a no brainer. They protect your joints and make sure you stay on your board for longer and shread harder. Not everyone appreciates the protection they provide until a serious injury occurs. Anyone who is serious about riding longboards should always make sure they have all the necessary safety equipment.