Medical Equipment
Effective Ways to Reduce Snoring
Did you know that one in every five people has a problem with snoring? This is not a small number at all. It can happen to anyone, regardless of their age and sex. Many people find this very annoying, and it greatly affects their lives. However, there are some effective ways you can reduce or even eliminate snoring.
Chin Strap

Are you tired of your snoring problem and want a fast and effective solution? One of the best ways to reduce or eliminate this problem is to use a comfortable, easy-to-use chin strap. The best straps have a great adjustable mechanism and fitting. This is a very personal choice, and you should be able to pick the one that suits you the most. You might need to experiment with a couple before finding the right one.
Straps aren’t a big investment, they’re very affordable, so they won’t break your budget. The most important thing to get right is the size and fit. The right strap shouldn’t keep your lips closed or put a lot of pressure on your jaw. It should only support it to prevent your mouth from opening during the night. Make sure it feels cosy on your head.
Straps come in many sizes and they’re adjustable, so you won’t have trouble finding the proper fit. They also come in different designs. A lot of them will strap over your head and have a soft cloth piece as a chin rest. Some have two straps and a mesh cap to hold them together. The second strap goes around the back of your head to keep it in place.
The material matters as well. Each of the three components (chin rest, anchor strap, closure) of the strap is made of different materials. Some people enjoy cotton a lot and choose a strap made entirely of cotton. Others find polyurethane fabric much more pleasant. Velcro closures are one option. There are also buckle closures if you don’t like Velcro. It’s all about comfort, and if you have any allergies, skin conditions and physical restrictions.
In general, all straps should last for at least a year. But this is something that depends on the manufacturer. Choose a reliable one that has experience and many satisfied customers. Because the strap’s price isn’t high, you won’t struggle to buy one, so choose one made of high-quality materials. Some manufacturers even have warranties on their straps. This will come in handy if there’s some problem with the strap.
CPAP Machine
If your snoring is becoming a big problem, you might have sleep apnea. In this case, a chin strap might not be enough to solve your problem. However, there’s a solution, and it’s called a CPAP machine, which is short for a continuous positive airway pressure machine. This is a very effective tool to deal with your condition.
This machine has an engine that generates a stream of pressured air. This air travels through an air filter, through a tube and into the face mask you have on your face. The mask can cover your hose only, or both your nose and your mouth. To keep the mask in place, it is secured to your face with a headpiece of some kind.
There are three main types of CPAP machines. The standard one is first. It’s adjustable and you can tune the settings to your needs. It provides a steady pressure and when it reaches the settings you set, it remains like that through the night. However, your need for air during the night can change and the machine can leave you with a dry mouth, nose or throat.
There’s also an automatic machine. This one has sensors that can predict a sleep apnea event and change the air pressure according to your needs. It can elevate or lower the pressure until the next discrepancy comes. And last but not least, are the BiPAP/VPAP machines. They’re most adjustable and have the latest inventions and advancements connected to snoring and sleep apnea issues.
If you’re someone who travels a lot, look for an easily portable machine. Something you can carry with you on planes, in the car, something that can fit into your luggage. The noise level is an important consideration. CPAP machines can be loud. So, if you’re bothered by sounds, look for a machine that’s as quiet as possible. This way you’ll sleep sound, and you won’t bother people around you.
Sleep on Your Side

Besides investing in a good snoring chin strap, you should also make some lifestyle changes to reduce your snoring. Sleeping on the side is one of them. When you’re lying on your back the soft palate and the base of your tongue fall back on the wall of your throat. This closes off the airways and causes snoring.
Sleeping on the side will prevent this. If you’re not used to it, get a body pillow. It supports the entire body and can help you change your sleeping positions. Other people put tennis balls inside their pyjamas which prevents them from turning to their backs. Find a method that works for you and stick to it.
Avoid Alcohol and Cigarettes
Drinking alcohol, especially before going to bed, increases the chances of snoring. Alcohol acts as a muscle relaxer. It loosens up the muscles and the ones in your throat are not an exception. So, you should avoid drinking it before bed. We all know how harmful cigarettes are. They can irritate and inflame the lining of your throat and cause snoring. Let them go for the sake of your health.
Good Sleep Hygiene
First things first: make sure your bedroom is quiet, tidy, and dark so that you sleep deeply and properly. Of course, avoid any kind of electronic device. Change the bedding often and keep the room temperature at a cool comfortable level. Go to bed at the same time, and rise in the morning at the same time every day. This helps you get some consistency and will regulate your body clock.
Elevate Your Head
This might be the simplest thing you can do to reduce snoring. In many cases, people found relief in elevating their heads a bit. Changing the height of the pillow and elevating it to about 10cm more can reduce your snoring. You can do it with blankets underneath or you can buy a wedge pillow to keep you in a good position.