AGM Deep Cycle Battery Guide
The world runs on batteries. Batteries can keep things operating in one way or another. Deep cycle batteries are one type of battery that we haven’t discussed yet. They work well in RVs since they require the same amount of electricity as your home.
Batteries power the world. In one way or another, batteries help keep things running for an extended period of time without the need for cables and wires. One type of battery that we have been using for quite some time now but haven’t been familiar with as much as AA or AAA batteries are deep cycle batteries. These types of batteries are made to provide continuous and steady power output for a long period of time. Other batteries are made to provide short bursts of power when they’re needed, just like the battery in your car. Deep cycle batteries are best used in RVs since they need power just like your household. When an item needs constant power in order to run, deep cycle batteries are the power source they need. But deep cycle batteries come available in different variations, with one of the more advanced being AGM.
What Is an AGM Deep Cycle Battery?

Absorbed glass mat deep cycle batteries are used as an alternative to conventional flooded lead-acid batteries. AGM deep cycle batteries are made of negative and positive lead, as well as lead oxide plates that release and attract electrons. The electrolyte mixture of a 12 volt AGM deep cycle battery is similar to a sponge. It has tiny glass fibres maintaining an even contact with the active lead material on the plate.
Benefits of AGM Batteries
Easy to Install and Maintain
The one thing that everyone seems to take for granted with an AGM deep cycle battery is the fact that they are easy to install and set up as. AGM batteries are also maintenance-free, you don’t need to top them up to keep them running.
Safe to Use
Another great benefit of AGM batteries is their safety factor. They are made so that no matter how you install them they won’t leak, which means you can install one in any position. Since nothing can leak, there is no danger of the battery exposing other parts in your vehicle or household to the dangers of its acid. You can also dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner since the battery can’t leak.
Great Performance
AGM batteries are known to perform better than almost every other deep cycle battery. AGM deep cycle batteries offer the most number of cycles. This can be as much as 16% more cycles than a traditional flooded lead-acid battery. AGM batteries are also a great option when you’re investing in solar applications.
This is where AGM batteries also exceed their more conventional counterparts. A long lifespan is something that the AGM battery is well known for, so because AGM batteries have more cycles to offer they have a longer life expectancy.

How to Test a Deep Cycle AGM Battery
Multimeter Test
1. This test can be performed by almost anyone and all you need is a multimeter. To test an AGM battery with a multimeter, make sure you have the device set to measure voltage. This is done by either turning a dial or pressing a button depending on the multimeter model.
2. After that, put the sensor found on the end of the red wire from the meter on the positive terminal on the battery marked with a plus sign. Then, place the sensor on the end of the black wire onto the negative terminal marked with a minus sign.
3. Now, read what’s on the display of the multimeter. If your 12 volt AGM deep cycle battery is fully charged, then on the display you’ll see 13 volts show up. But if you read below 10 volts, this means you need to recharge the battery for a while. When you recharge the battery, test it out once more, leave it for several hours and then test it once again.

Load Test
1. An AGM load test is done with a load testing device. While you don’t use this device straight away, you definitely need it. There is one thing you’ll need in this case, either the CCA or the Ah of the battery. You can find the cold-cranking amps or amperes on the label of the battery.
2. You’ll need to divide either one of these specs by 2. This will give you the exact number you will get from the load tester. If you get a different number, then it means that the battery is not in a good condition.
3. To use the load tester, attach its alligator clips to the battery terminals the same way you connected the multimeter. Then, press the start button and let the test run for about 10 to 15 seconds and afterwards, just stop the test. This will give you the reading.
4. If the reading is more than 10% below the calculated number, you need to fully charge your AGM deep cycle battery then leave it for a couple of hours and test again. If the number is still below 10% of the calculated one, then you probably need a new battery.